Thursday, March 18, 2010

Verify, Then Trust

9 votes needed here, 13 votes needed there....and amoung the circus it's not about the policy but about who can be bought and bribed. So sad...and I ask, how did we get here.

Today I read a little about Ronald Reagan and his relations with the Soviet Union. During which he used the phrase Trust, but Verify...he used that phrase alot especially when dealing with the Soviet Union and when asked why he always repeated the phrase, he responded "because I like it."

That phrase didn't start with Ronald Reagan and it has been used by lots of people since. I feel much the same as Reagan felt working with the Soviets, but it is with my country's leaders. We, the people, took our eye off the ball and blindly trusted our leaders, never feeling the need to verify; after all we had the protection of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights on our side.

Look where we are now. Politicians gasp at the notion that we the people are now asking the tough questions and demanding to be heard. It is amazing to see the disregard to states' rights and the noise about how they, politicians, are the grantors of the people's rights. I feel like this country has been sucker punched by both side of the isle!
I also like the phrase trust, but verify; but I'll twist the phrase around a tad - verify, then trust...with a watchful eye.
A call to action: Let's assemble, rally, and pull together to turn this ship around and get this country back on course. Then vote for leaders who have demonstrated and verified that they govern based on Constitutional principles and who honor this country's place in history.

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